Wednesday 11 April 2012

Holly is off to see Aunty Shelley

Well, Holly is off to see Aunty Shelley at her farm and get acquainted with one of the boys.

Last kidding season, Holly managed to avoid the boys and came home without any little kids, but this year we are hoping that she is ready for kidding. Holly is a bit mysterious when it comes to being in oestrus. Does are supposed to be more vocal (she is already very vocal), more buckish (already pretty buckish and queen doe) and her vulva is supposed to dilate, honestly? Maybe? I’m not that familiar with goats yet so it’s hard to judge.


Holly is really sweet, if a little bit pushy, and she is certainly the most outgoing of our goats.

Shelley thinks that Holly was served by Tyson last weekend, but we have to wait another cycle (21 days) to make sure.


Tyson is a handsome boy and Holly is just not that sure that she wants his attentions. So maybe when Holly arrived at the farm, she had just finished cycling. Tyson was interested … anytime a new girl arrives he knows what is going on.